1 in 8 billion

The motivation and principles behind CurrentClient

1 in 8 billion
1 in 8 billion
Dustin Belliston
April 9, 2023

1 in 8 billion

I grew up in the small town of Wasilla, Alaska. Growing up it had about 6,000 people. As a kid it felt big. We had so much room to run around and stay busy in the woods building forts, making trails and digging holes to try to catch rabbits. We never did catch any rabbits.

As I have grown older and have moved to several different states, I realized 6,000 people is not many people at all. The world has nearly 8 billion people. That is a lot of people!

One of the realizations I have had growing up, is how unique each encounter with a person is. Out of 8 billion people, you are meeting that 1 person. There is a phrase "1 in a million", it's often used to tell people that they are special. But the next person you meet is "1 in 8 billion." My realization is that each person in my life is a bit of statisical rarity. Each relationship is a special and rare encounter. What are the chances I am talking to "you" out of the 8 billion other people on earth right now.

When you view each person like that, I think there is a different tone in the encounter. You are slightly amazed and able to put your whole attention into that interaction, giving them your very best.

At CurrentClient, this is an underlying motivation. The people we talk to and do business with are nothing short of being "1 in 8 billion." And that is pretty special.

1 in 8 billion

Family, Entrepreneurship, Software